
New broker for b.u.t. health plan
The BUT Medical Health Plan with Sagicor Life Inc. has a new broker. The new Broker is Insurance Management & Professional Services (IMPS).
The Director of the Company is Mrs. Maureen Graham. The Company is located at the Cr. Harts Gap & Dayrells Road, Christ Church, telephone number 436-2842.
Claim forms can be sent or delivered to this Company or to the offices of the Barbados Union of Teachers.

Bimap membership
Please note that the Barbados Union of Teachers has membership in BIMAP. Teachers seeking to do courses at this institution are entitled to membership discount on payment.
Apply for your BUT membership card and benefit from this service.
Our email address is

But hothersal project continues
The Barbados Union of Teachers continues to embark on its Hothersal Building project. The Union has completed Phase 1 of this project which involved the sale of 21 freehold lots, the construction of roads, the installation of a sewage plant to service the development and the installation of utilities. At present, the Union is looking forward to the construction on its townhouses, duplexes and apartments which will be on sale to the general public. These housing units range between $350, 000 to $450,000. There are four different types of units that will be available: Type A, B, C and D. These diagrams are available for your viewing. The economic circumstances in the country have slowed this project down, but the Union is still hopeful of making this venture a reality. The Union will soon be offering some additional lots for sale in the site. More information will soon be available. For further information, contact the Barbados Union of Teachers.